How to Create/Attract Your Desires and Why it Works…

By Donna Porteous

Your Alkaline LifeStyle & Belief Transformation Coach

The affirmative approach to prayer, in which you state the desired outcome as an absolute given, is based upon the New Testament declaration, ‘Whatsoever you ask in prayer, believe, and it shall be given.

Pleading for our good to come to us is based upon fear. Since the Law of Attraction through the Law of Magnetism coupled with the Law of Cause and effect create whatever we truly believe in, those fear based prayers and worries often manifest into form.

Be it right/wrong/good or bad for us… these Universal Laws are not here to decide what is good and best for us but only to respond… react and match the feeling of the vibration (you see we are electro-magnetic by nature) we are offering with corresponding situations, circumstances, people, places, things and events. ♡♡♡

The Universe doesn’t speak words… it’s speaks in vibrations… frequencies. Thoughts, feelings, intentions, imagomation and emotions emit a language… frequencies… they are heard and responded to by the Law of Attraction as your life results. Monitoring yourself is one of the easiest and best ways to insure your desired results… be aware of YOU and what you are emitting. Be the CEO of your world!

Be and feel more than Do… By holding a string of liked minded pure clean thoughts free of doubt, resistance and hesitation and full of wonder and excitment we can create…

Pure Thought = Thought without Resistance


17 seconds of pure thought = 2000 hours plus by holding it for 17 seconds the Law of Attraction kicks in.

34 seconds of pure thought = 20 000 action hours

51 seconds of pure thought = 200 000action hours

68 seconds of pure thought = 2 000 000 actions hours plus it creates things moving and manifesting has begun.

There are 86 400 seconds in a day. The Universal Energy reads our vibrations every 10 seconds…. so we are read 8 640 times a day…. meaning we have 8 640 chances a day to “get it right”. The Universal Energy does not care what is right/wrong/good or bad for us…. it merely matches our predominant thoughts… feelings… emotions…. imagination… vibrations… our frequencies with more matches. “This is not pyschology… it’s physics” ~ Alberta Einstein ~

Mind Sets…

  • “Atraversiamo”… let’s cross over…time to change… what a beautiful word… ahhhh glorious!
  • “Dolce far niente” … the art of carefreeness!!! Its time to change. Are you enjoying life? Are you creating your heart’s desires? Are you dancing with the flow in life?
  • As my mentor, Richard Branson wrote “screw it… Just do it!” and
  • T Harv Eker teaches.. “How you do anything is how you do everything”… Love life just a little bit more pay attention to YOU… mind your business… mind your frequencies ♡♡♡

Apply the FourAgreements by Don Miguel Ruiz:

1. Be Impeccable with your Word

2. Don’t Take Anything Personally

3. Don’t Make Assumptions

4. Always Do Your Best (allow and accept thay it changes from day to day)

Remember everything is perception based on your points of view… you choose!

Also key…

One minute of laughter strengthens the immune system for 24 hours. A 20 second hugs helps calm and strengthen our 3-tier nervous system (especially the parasympathetic system) plus releases the “happy drug” oxytocin.

  1. The Body heals with Play…
  2. Mind heals with Laughter…
  3. The Spirit heals with Joy!

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

~ Albert Einstein ~

Zest for Life

~ Donna ~


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